"'On-Gaku: Our Sound,' an oddball music comedy directed by Kenji Iwaisawa, upends all that is typical of Japanese animation."
— Maggie Lee, Variety
"Funny, smart, striking and just overall chill when it washes over you, it’s a resounding statement for the director who will no doubt be a talent to watch in the anime industry."
— Chris Luciantonio, Film Pulse
"Music lovers, particularly adults, will enjoy the rock influences and references in the movie, which range from the Beatles (the Abbey Road moment is even in the promotional photos) and Dylan to Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young-style folk to Jimi Hendrix and Pete Townsend smashing their guitars."
— Common Sense Media
"Every so often, a film comes along that’s so fresh and distinctive, your immediate impulse is to stand up and applaud it. This indie anime by director Kenji Iwaisawa, adapted from Hiroyuki Ohashi’s cult manga, gets the year off to a terrific start. A magical realist paean to the mind-altering powers of music, “On-Gaku: Our Sound” feels like an instant classic."
— James Hadfield, Japan Times