Set in a remote village where the church and the mosque stand side by side, Where Do We Go Now? follows the antics of the town's women to keep their blowhard men from starting a religious war. Women heartsick over sons, husbands and fathers lost to previous flare-ups unite to distract their men with clever ruses, from faking a miracle to hiring a troop of Ukrainian strippers. -- (C) Sony Pictures Classics Tickets are $5 and Free for Members Seating is first come, first serve. There will be a 40 min post-show discussion with Mouhcine El Hajjami. Drury @ the Moxie Saturday, Oct. 28 @ 1pm 2001: A Space Odyssey - Dr. Chris Panza Saturday, November 11 @ 1pm Les Visteurs (1992) - Shelley Wolbrink Saturday, November 18 @ 1pm Where Do We Go Now? (2011 ) - Mouhcine El Hajjami
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